With all the mergers in the global market in recent years, it’s tough sometimes to know who owns what in the automotive industry. From the automotive companies under ownership of General Motors, to the impressive eight models owned by Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), every major and minor brand you can imagine is all on the list.
This video puts it all together in one convenient place…until the next set of mergers shifts the list around again.
New conveyor technology!

Celluveyor is an omnidirectional conveyor belt that consists of small hexagonal cells capable of moving products in any direction. Operators set a product's course by using special software installed on a tablet. The conveyor belt is most suited for smart warehouses and assembly lines.
See more from Celluveyor: http://www.celluveyor.com/en/
Siemens Green

Businesses around the world are taking climate action offering innovative and practical eco-friendly products and solutions as well as taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint.
Business Conferences & Networking

Business Conferences & Networking (CAINTRA in Cintermex)
Aimed at SME entrepreneurs, professionals, leaders of organizations and all those who understand the need to take advantage of social capital to generate qualified references and obtain new business opportunities.
ALSAMEX participating in ExpoPyME

The SME Expo Monterrey 2018 is an effort to promote and strengthen the impulse to entrepreneurs and the growth of entrepreneurs, by propitiating in a single space the supports and programs that accelerate the entrepreneurial projects; as well as linking the MSMEs with the available public, private and academic offer of solutions that help the improvement, development and competitiveness of companies.
Boosting entrepreneurs and strengthening companies. Promote, promote and disseminate the spirit and entrepreneurial culture, as well as the growth, development and competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized companies in the industry, commerce and services of the Northeast region, through a single offer of value
For more information: http://expopymemonterrey.com.mx
ISO 45001:2018 Training Course by CAINTRA/Soluciones Efectivas AC

Alsamex Industrial offers a range of ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety training courses, including introductory courses. Our training courses have been developed for all learning styles and are taught by our top OH&S Lead Auditors.
This course is useful for all those who are planning to implement or transition to ISO 45001. It will help personnel at all levels and can be an essential course for Senior Management, Managers and Internal Auditors who are assigned the responsibility for its implementation.
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